Platform Updates. Here is a short overview of the most recent changes we have introduced to Tycoon Signals:.

09 Aug 2023, 11:49
🆕 Platform Updates 🆕 Here is a short overview of the most recent changes we have introduced to Tycoon Signals: Leaderboard Revamp: Now, you can view up to 100 traders per page on our leaderboard, a significant jump from just the 10 we had earlier. This means more choices and a comprehensive overview for you at a glance. Speedy Pagination: We’ve said goodbye to the 'load more' button. With our new pagination feature, you can swiftly skip through pages, making it even easier to navigate the platform. Pricing Updates: We've introduced even more wallet-friendly pricing! Our yearly membership now stands at just €49/month when billed annually, down from €59/month. Our lifetime membership is now priced at €1,190 as a one-time payment! Warm Welcome: For our new users, we’ve crafted an engaging welcome screen, complete with a video tutorial to guide you through your early steps on Tycoon Signals. Deep Dive into Tycoon: Check out our new "docs" page at to uncover every nook and cranny of the platform. From detailed explanations to handy tips and guides, it's all there! 7-Day Trial Magic: Signing up now comes with a 7-day free trial, and the cherry on top? You don't need to provide any payment details to get started. We also fixed many bugs and improved the performance and security of the platform. Dive in, explore, and let us know what you think!